Thursday, October 12, 2006
New Formula

The combo above put together in the right way will enact as a plethora of events in the body....Sugar regulating....Liver functions...Heart.... Respiratory....Pain and Inflammation....Thyroid...Pancreatic....Digesting....ANTI Viral....ANTI Fungal....ANTI Mold.....Circulatory ( in places where you haven't felt in a long time)
the key here is how to put it all get the desired effect and it's easy.....doing this can cost you approximately 25$...will last you a couple of years and can be used daily as a prophylactic ( prevention) or be used as a tonic to actually restore health....the effect is almost will feel it in the respiratory area first....heart, stomach then lower will notice a quick feeling in the circulatory throughout the body....a warming sensation....possibly a tingly feeling in the back....and if you mix the tonic in about 1-2 ounces of port or wine be prepared to have a quick mood enhancing effect as well ( not a drunken state but definitely anti depressing)....Want more info like this click the link above and scroll down to where you see another link lots like this at the workshop on the page....or email and get the recipe
Til then
To your health