Saturday, October 07, 2006

Cult ...Sects..And Religion

Cults ...Sects and Religion
I was out with a friend today...and we happened to be discussing beliefs and faith...and how to discern the truth .....Every one of these things seem to have an element of truth that seems to attract everyone, where they are at, at that time in life, where you are the most vulnerable.....Today it has not changed...... today we are all facing the new age cult of fear and spin....How does this work? well we use and old adage of fire and brimstone....but we soften the brimstone with fear as to gain control.....then we put a spin so as to confuse the elements of truth.....and before we know it we are all the new religion called .....whatever you want to call it!!! Now this is going on in all levels of life.....political life...even in health ....finances and above al religion....People are so unaware that religion manipulates and controls us in so many ways and infects us with so much dogma and doctrine that people actually have no more thoughts for themselves...They just go along....this is very much true in health as well...we have dogmas....beliefs....doctrines....with unsubstantiated evidence that is being pushed...marketed...sold the Gospel According to Dr...or MD .SO and SO....and these persons ( this way I can't be gotten for discriminating of any of the sexes...there both guilty) of this new DOGMA called Health....."EAT will ......." and all of it BULLS#@!....we go into the political arena and we are just supposed to go along with the status quo( even though it's wicked and Unjustifiable...and anti life ...but pro greed) when our representatives convert us to a new belief system called "FEAR and SPIN" we give into this New the expense of our humanity...or spirit our souls....and for what do we trade this all in for????? just to make the few at the top comfortable...while the rest blindly bleed for a lie....and the examples are to numerous to put down....I will say this my field....I do consultations in alternatives with health.......There are a growing number of people that are starting to see what is being sold as the so called "PANACEA" that these spin doctors ( the new orgainized ministers of the new religion of Fear and Spin) with there fear and sales BS are propagating, and people are awakening to the truth....the FDA is being caught with it's knickers down as well with the bogus drugs that they are selling and the death tolls and unwanted side effects of the drugs that they are Ok'ing......what concerns me the most is our food supply is being polluted with chemicals hormones
( and not just synthetics either or pharma induced but as well as high amounts of phytoestrogenic chemicals as well ) this is still infecting us with unwanted hormones...remember when cows ate grasses? chickens ate grasses and worms! remember when these animals ran free and could graze? remember when cows or goats milk was drinkable before they pasteurized it and made it totally indigestible...Remember when your great grand parents lived to be a hundred eating all the saturated fats? and eating animals that weren't given antibiotics? remember when food was safe to eat because they were giving animals what they needed to eat anatomically correct for that it would nourish us and keep us biologically balanced? You see the new religion hit there as well...before the medical establishment got into the picture and "studied"the food, the food never hurt anyone and everyone was living to a good old age...Now we have all these advancements in medicine and we are living less...have really no life...and are dying by the day of unusual life threatening diseases as a result of the "polluted foods" we eat on a daily bases....even the so called organics ( might be less toxic ) but still are in need of caution. click ( look at the workshop ) The thought was that the New religion has taken hold in all of our walks in life and we need to be UN-Religious...and really understand the facts before we follow the "New Shepherds" that will lead us down to the valley of lifelessness