Thursday, October 05, 2006

Hidden Discovered Treasure

Have you ever been looking for something....and when you find it ..that it becomes prohibitively expensive?....and then one day you walk into a place and see something that you have been looking for, and test to see it working ...and Wallllllllaaaaaa you find it, and it's awesomely the find, and the price is right!!!!!!!!!!! Well let me tell you of my venture today.....I was taking my son out for his 25th birthday and we went into one of these second hand stores here in the phoenix as we were venturing I was looking at the inventory in the 2 days prior I was in a health food store and I wanted a juicer and I heard alot of good things about this champion juicer....Now they wanted almost 300$ ...!

So I let it as I mentioned we were out perusing and found all kinds of hidden items, and one of these was a champion juicer the price was right( 19.99$) a far cry from 300$ eh!?...I do alot of orthomolecular stuff with foods..... supplements....herbals..spices and vitamins and protein powders....and combining them to produce effects of healing...restoration....or augmentation of health so any equipment I find that can assist me in doing things so I can better advise or consult with people is always a good thing!!! so when I find a Hidden Treasure...that allows me to assist and utilize my talents to give others resolutions to assist there healing...then I get all excited.....Now the first thing I did when I got home was to dissassemble it and to clean it ( well hidden treasures can have a certain amount of uncleaness!) then I put it back together...and proceeded to create a certain formula that would and does alleviate and support the liver ...the pancreas...the blood...the digestive radical scavenging ...and cellular is all doable from a grocery store and under 20.00$

the formula has alot of intriguing properties and when put together has a multidiverse effect on health......

Now I am writing this so that you can see how something like this can impact you and to let you know that the effect of how health can be gotten from your home "laboratory"

...and that the tools can be discovered if you seek out the magical place where things can be discovered as a treasury.....and that was my day of Discovery....and the effect was noticeably healthy

Have a good day and let many Treasures be found in your life and health

To Your Health