Saturday, September 23, 2006

The DEMON Doctors

I was working in the health industry, and I noticed some pecularities......Doctors are now cashing in on alternative(s) for healing ....but not because they are interested in your well being and your is because it is a lucrative business and easier then actually finding answers to real issues that need finding a cure or a remedy that works without causing undo pain to the persons pocket book....I was in a health food store the other day and I seen this Dr. this fellow has a reputation...he is from the British isles and has had somewhat an obscure history ( made me wonder if he really was a doctor at all....good BS'r to sell his product line though) there was a consultant there telling a woman about another product line that was very doable for her situation...she was on a blood thinner so she could not take anything that would thicken her blood....he wanted to sell his product line that was a whole food had a blood thickening agent....then he proceeded to muscle test the individual ( for anyone who knows anything about muscle testing you never handle the product your self or the individual until after you test the person) well he apparently knew nothing on this or was playing on the hope that there ws a certain ignorance to sell his junk products...the ignorance factor wasn't he had his emotional pride hurt...ranted and raved to the owner and as a result the consultant was dismissed..... because the consultant was actually looking out for the person's health....when the doctor left, the person returned his product on the shelf....and went back to the other product that was initially suggested...the Dr. never asked this person on anything just wanted to sell his line of nonsense....Now I have been in this for over 30 years and have seen alot of nonsense spouted in the name of health....and all I can say is that we are all in trouble....between the multicorps that are trying to regulate the industry and those wolves in sheep clothing going on the radio and selling junk in the name of health and
Dr.'s who endorse a certain line of more junk's a wonder anyone trust anymore....majority of them are selling junk.....or stuff that does absolutely fellow gets on the radio and sells a product....a wonder product ( makes me wonder) that is supposed to make your ED ( erectile dysfuntion) go away without having to use is supposed to be better then viagra and it won't cause you to go blind either......I was told by over a dozen fellows who took the stuff and used it for a 3 month time frame as per directed and Nothing nada there are other mitigating factors like insulin or excessive estrogens, stress and so forth....but it is all BS....and the funny thing is these Dr.'s seem to be acquainted with each's a wonder ....seems those who steal together stick together......why am I writing this ...well there are alot of those individuals who really know what will keep you healthy....and what really works in this industry and what is a lot of junk....i would say in the health food store those things that really really work are in the minority....and a majority that does not work have a Dr.'s endorsement behind there products, so I will tell you that if you want something that works talk to the consultants ...if you go to a consultant who has a healing practice and are endorsing a particular line(s) of a doctor product, and the moment they tell you something is Dr. very wary....1st it is going to cost you triple then what you can get the same thing at a health food store( same product or another with the same exact ingredients)2nd chances are if they have a Dr.'s name on it is is more placebo then anything else ( what else is new most drugs prescribe today are 70% placebo)3rd majority of them are endorsing soy ...knowing full well the implications of the side effects and the health hazards of this and this will keep you either buying there junk or going to them for medical treatment that is totally ware of being cheated....a majority of the Dis--Eases...are as a result of the medical and pharmaceutical industry misleading the public on what is really healthy...there is real science there but it does not profit these practicing quacks so beware .....research and test what works...and what works best for you...and listen to what might be new and effective but still do the research ......

USE food.....herbs....vitamins....but really learn what is real and what you can do to combine these things together that will assist you in your endeavor to stay healthy....ask the questions that are needed what is used and what is retrurned the most......stay away from anything that has SOY in it.....if anyone including a Doctor says Soy is good and if there is only minute amount of soy and it won't hurt you ....dis-believe it....if they tell you that the food colouring agents in these products are safe don't use it......stay away from alot of the stuff that "celebrity Doctors" are telling you to buy alot of ....stay away from them .....Now if a doctor is telling you stuff that works ...but doesn't endorse there own products or will endorse other product lines that are effective... then you are in at least in better ship....