Friday, September 29, 2006

Follow the Leader

Ever notice that there is always something to get you to go along with a advertising" if you act now we will throw in...." or a celebrity Doctor who will endorse one product one day and tell you the evils of another product.....and then all of a sudden tell you how good that product is that they were lambasting???!!! The one I like is they tell you one one hand the "EVIL OF DRUGS" and then turn around and sell placebos ( sugar coated or filler pills that do absolutely Nothing)...the other thing I like is how they will tell you for years that certain substances are bad for you...and yet these are the things that actually work....remember the EC stack ( for those of you that aren't sure ...this was an ephredrine and caffeine combo that actually worked in reducing body mass composition) all that was needed with it was magnesium and B5 and it was the perfect natural amphetamine that would help you breathe ...keep you alert....intensify or magnify your ability to work out....Now the funny thing is the US military decided to test this combo out for it's efficasy...and this is what they found out

that when it came to weight training or running with there 50lb packs they out performed the normal levels.....when it came to running and endurance they again went past the normal levels.....staying up all night as a guard..more alert and less other words more stamina.... How much did they use? the amounts were staggering 90 mgs of ephederine and 500 miligrams of caffeine.....this was at least 3 times more then what ever was suggested for dietary use and You know what the side effects were nominal ( at that dose you would have expected a complete melt down somewhere)all that "some" felt was a mild palpitation...which could have been eleviated with magnesium.....Health issues and products that are being sold can be as simple as the market desires or as complex as the market all depends on what is being sold and the direction the Marketeers....( which in part are your celebrity Doctors and the Multi pharma corps) wanting you to go in.....If you have a health concern ...or you are trying to maintain excellence in health then what is needed is good research and good solid information pertaining to your needs....todays medical has forgotten there hypocratical oath....there are more consultant and more alternative healers out there that are practicing this more then the MD's....Some are saying I am picking on the system....there might be some truth to this ....I say what I say as a result of what I have seen behind the scenes.....when you are in an industry that shuts down people for being legitamtely concerned and promotes shysters and slicksters who wear a collar or a white overcoat who are promoting junk science as well as junk foods and calling them healthy then the bells and whistles have to go off....I have consulted with people from all walks of life and I have seen wonderous results at times ( not always...there have been times of failure as well) but I can honestly say that those who came my way were never cheated...lied to or sold or endorsed to buy BS products either.....I have been around managerial aspects where people in charge( and they should have been doing what they were intended to manage and not advise) have falsely endorsed junk in order to sell ....this is not ethical ..nor morally right....and it violates any kind of belief system that one would aspire to perfection.....all I can say is SHAME on a industry that is supposed to be for health....the FDA and Codex will look for any excuse to take away your Rights of free choice ( Yes even in america the land that once was a free country) can lose it's rights of free choice if there is Money or greed or lust involved.....these institutions that are in charge....they are as corrupt as they come....the highest bidder can come along pay there millions and can get a drug endorsed...and if there is a supplement that does the same thing ....bang it is gone because it can compete with the drug and there are profits lost....the industry does not need to allow the wolves in sheeps clothing to come along and just hand this industry over to the FDA and Codex.... there had better be an awakening and some kind of involvement with those who are benefitting ...or else you might see that the very things you eat...laced with every poison imaginable....will be a regular part of your diet......The moral of the story here is .......simply read...research.....find a person who really knows what is up and down...with the health industry as well as with health issues....or at the very least will research these issues to get an answer.....but don't just follow the leader....

When you hear a celebrity on a radio or see one on TV ....well these are paid actors.....and what do actors do ....they pretend to be something else....casting illusions......don't be deluded.....your health is to important to let someone pretend to be knowledgeable with your concerns.....

The MD's that get on the Media and voice there "health concious concerns" be very wary....I have seen some of these so called concerned MD's and what I seen them sell....not a good thing

Check out different sites and go to a library, a university library, an internet library or research and not just in the US ...but look all over the's a big planet and since we are the youngest might be surprised what some of the older cultures have discovered..... and what really works with the simplest methods....Never ever be biased when it comes to cultural differences ( might be a tough one for those who are narrow minded) they have been around longer and might be smarter...So take every advantage and utilize what is pertinent to your life and your circumstances as well as your environment......USE WHATEVER WORKS

To your Health!!!