Thursday, September 07, 2006

Perception is reality

ever wonder why you can't seem to lose that mass index to a lower level?

do you think if you exercise and ate all the right foods this will do the trick and then find out later that it isn't working? and then wonder why?

look at this link and click on the xenoestrogen link...this will explain alot to the why's and how of this problem....seems estrogen likes fat and the more you are massive the more estrogen clings and as a result you get bigger.....Soy the wonder food....makes me wonder why anyone would contaimanate themselves with this extremely estrogenic and guess what? it will bind to your adipose tissues ( fats) as well as your thyroid ...and your pancreas and shut those vital organs down....and cause a higher rate of cancer ( up to 4X's higher ) Check the link on Soy as we get into a conundrum ....we eat foods high in estrogens or we get exposed to xenoestrogens which when we are exposed to both can lead to serious consequences....excessive mass as well as deteriotating health issues......the solution could be as easy as removing these unwanted estrogens by consuming foods high in sulfur ( watercress, onion, broccoli, turnip greens) or utilizing lecithin ( preferably the egg yolk lecithin, which by the way has sulfur as well) methionine , MSM, tumeric and even using red wine this in turn can assist the liver from removing those things that can be causing a rise in estrogens or assist the liver in removing those unwanted hormones.

the second thing we need to do is reduce ( yes minmize ) what and how much enters the mouth area....lets put it to you another way, less foods means less work for your pancreas.....stomach ...intestines....endocrine system....lymphatic system......immune system...the internal body as a whole, this will allow your body to rid an excessive waste without over taxing the system which in return can alleviate the amount of insulin having to be created and as a result......a rested system is one that can operate at a more efficient way...allowing for more energy....which in turn utilizes it's resources more efficiently ( fats ...sugars {carbs}....and proteins as well as vitamins.... minerals and other nutrients) which in turn means a better metabolising of foods...which means less mass and more energy....

Now there have been studies done that tie longevity to minimal calories....which makes sense the less your insides have to work the less wear and tear that goes on....and the less toxic foods you put in your mouth....again the less work and resources you have to use internally ....making yourself less prone to being ill or worse broken down to allow dis-eases to take over....

So if you are going to eat anything then let it be what really makes for a more efficient body....and when you utilize proteins...fats ...and carbs ...properly you can reach a level of saitety ( fullness) and as a result you eat less and do more

check out again this link take a look at protein ....and the workshop link......

To your Health


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