Friday, November 17, 2006

When we meet again

When we meet again eh!
Well it's time to get back to my destiny...and to do what I can to be a humanitarian ....and to do the best at what I do....but before Fate or life takes a complete hold I have to say a big and GREAT THANKS to all MY FRIENDS and those of my FRIENDS who are FAMILY to me...that's what we are as Canadians, a Family, Thanks for putting me in your lives and sharing your Homes and a Part of you that always is in me...Thanks for the Hospitality...Nothing like Canadian hospitality EH!!! we can let our hair hang down and be our total selves hahahha I came back to Canada to see my family and to assist them in there needs, and got to have closure with others so all in all despite the cold here It was a Great Time!!! I wanted to say Thanks and I wanted to let you know til we see each other again!!!! Good byes really til we see each other again is WAYYYYYyyy..... BETTER.....when I'm done I will be back visit for certain...and the invite is as well from my end to here as well