Tuesday, October 24, 2006




Friday, October 20, 2006


http://augmentinforce.50webs.com Click here!


I was out today and I was in a health food store, and as I was there I was looking at the GSE.... this is a must have for around the house, when you travel, going out to eat in a strange places, traveling to other countries or just to have for all of it's wonderful properties. I digress....there was another product right beside it, and it was about 2 dollars cheaper, I figured "let's see" so I did and lo and behold it wasn't the same thing...it appeared that way...you see I have been doing alternatives for over 30 years....seen alot of spin and as a result, I know what to look for.....and I also have been in the industry, and unfortunately there are alot of knock off products that just don't measure up or are diluted or contaminated with fillers, colouring agents, or even poisons this product in particular has to have had a certain insignia to validate that it was the real deal...it didn't as a result I put it back, who knows what was in it, if it even had anything to do what the real stuff did. This is an unfortunate reality here in phoenix in the health food industry, there is alot of unethical practice going on (cheating the customers) with what the consumer is thinking is a good product for their health, and in reality it is placebo, or a diluted knock off, or contaminated junk......this is going on in the grocery store as well...with the food labeling being as clear as mud, with everyone bambuzzled with fake science and BS marketing to get everyone to eat there products thinking as well that this food is "FAT FREE"..."SUGAR FREE" meanwhile they substitute good fats with canola or soy oils or what ever they decide is cheap and convenient to feed humans instead of paying for cleaning up there waste byproducts.....this is how the marketing ploy works ( I have been around to see this for a good part of my life so I can validate this) 1st they come up with a sensationalistic ad.....The "new and improved..." or "radically better" or what ever the catch term is of the day....then or 2nd they start a PR campaign to get everyone talking about this product through media or ads 3rd after awhile they introduce this product with "studies"( jaded studies...or studies they want the public to see and not the side effect studies... real science shows both sides)...then 4th they give coupons or a "special deal" and everyone thinks "WOW what a deal" the point to all of this unless you have kept up with this ( and most of us can't even keep up with what is going on day to day!!!) you can be taken for a ride, whether in a grocery store or a health food store. No one reads what they are buying or even knows what chemicals are being put into the foods or there supplements, and then you consume these things, and then can't figure out why you still have diabetes....a weight problem...a yeast infection....irregularity....cancers...and the list goes on....YOU have to remember the things you put inside of you can either strengthen you or stop your internals from working as they should..... and as a result you get "DIS-EASE" that's why there are no cures...there aren't really any diseases that really need cures from a fall out or a plague...just DIS-EASE form internals that are shutting down as a result of damage from poisons and toxins.....THAT YOU ARE CONSUMING as a result of hype...intended to get you to think that what you are consuming is "GOOD FOR YOU" and in reality they are poisons!!!! Now I wrote of all of this not to get you to give Up but rather to wake you up...and to also to let you know what MAN can DO ...MAN can ALSO UNDO there is a way and it's easy....real easy...so easy you won't believe what you will have to do....the answer...READ YOUR LABELS... at the top I started how I went to a health food store and saw 2 items that appeared to be the same ....but when I actually READ the labels and knew what to look for I immediately put the one back that was a falsehood ( deceitful games) knowing what is real and what is not is key.....don't be part of an experiment ....you were intended to live not suffer!!!!

To Your Health

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Who is my neighbor!


Who is my neighbor!

Good question that should be asked in these days of chaos....wouldn't you like to know people from all over the world? get to see the other side and the perspectives of other people...there thoughts ...there feelings...there fears...there strengths...what they believe in...what they don't....what makes them happy...what saddens them....I have had this opportunity where I have lived in Canada and in different parts of the US....I have been around all kinds of people from all over the world...learned some of there language...shared in ideas on health...on cooking and exchanged cultural exchanges in language ...and ways of thinking...I have had a blast and Miss my "conversations and exchanges" since I have been down here in the US....Mind you I have meet all kinds of people where I am in phoenix Az...it has been all good and in alot of ways Arizona reminds me of Canada in that way....What really depresses me is that now the US, a melting pot...the great and Successful experiment wants to build fences, as a result of Stupidity and ignorance...yet are willing to export every job of any significance to the US economy abroad!!! fences just don't keep people out ...they pen people in!!!!!! I don't know about you, But I like My freedom...Matter of fact I love being Free...and to have clear access to life...and to be able to make good neighbors with anyone I can...I love expressing myself with different people from all over the planet seeing what we can exchange and share with each other and develop into a global society where we don't have a select few dictating to everyone what they think should be right or wrong....fences are for wild animals... Last I checked we are all created in the image of God...hmmm seems to me we are trying to fence out God eh! Maybe just maybe we need to reexamine some basic laws for free people ...they could heal a plethora of internal issues ( for those of you who don't believe in the spirit or a soul ) the first law is Love God with everything you have ...heart Soul.. Strength...and Might..2nd law pertains to the first law...love your NEIGHBOR as yourself... hmmmm, fences eh!...third law this one is most applicable to those who actually believe ( or at least they say they do verbally ) LOVE ONE ANOTHER....fences eh! when we apply fences we are alienating ourselves and caging ourselves....WE ARE FREE People and hopefully civil enough to know that the best way to have good neighbors is to be one your self...and if you exchange experiences and invite each other to share your lives ...hell you never know you might not have en enemy anymore but a Friend not a slave not someone who has to go your way or only one way ...but rather with mutual respect and a real love that means applying the 2nd law

Thursday, October 12, 2006

New Formula

The combo above put together in the right way will enact as a plethora of events in the body....Sugar regulating....Liver functions...Heart.... Respiratory....Pain and Inflammation....Thyroid...Pancreatic....Digesting....ANTI Viral....ANTI Fungal....ANTI Mold.....Circulatory ( in places where you haven't felt in a long time)
the key here is how to put it all together...to get the desired effect and it's easy.....doing this can cost you approximately 25$...will last you a couple of years and can be used daily as a prophylactic ( prevention) or be used as a tonic to actually restore health....the effect is almost immediate...you will feel it in the respiratory area first....heart, stomach then lower intestine....you will notice a quick feeling in the circulatory throughout the body....a warming sensation....possibly a tingly feeling in the back....and if you mix the tonic in about 1-2 ounces of port or wine be prepared to have a quick mood enhancing effect as well ( not a drunken state but definitely anti depressing)....Want more info like this click the link above and scroll down to where you see another link lots like this at the workshop on the page....or email and get the recipe
Til then
To your health

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Cult ...Sects..And Religion

Cults ...Sects and Religion
I was out with a friend today...and we happened to be discussing beliefs and faith...and how to discern the truth .....Every one of these things seem to have an element of truth that seems to attract everyone, where they are at, at that time in life, where you are the most vulnerable.....Today it has not changed...... today we are all facing the new age cult of fear and spin....How does this work? well we use and old adage of fire and brimstone....but we soften the brimstone with fear ...so as to gain control.....then we put a spin so as to confuse the elements of truth.....and before we know it we are all INDOCTRINATED...in the new religion called .....whatever you want to call it!!! Now this is going on in all levels of life.....political life...business life...work life....family life...even in health ....finances and above al religion....People are so unaware that religion manipulates and controls us in so many ways and infects us with so much dogma and doctrine that people actually have no more thoughts for themselves...They just go along....this is very much true in health as well...we have dogmas....beliefs....doctrines....with unsubstantiated evidence that is being pushed...marketed...sold ...as the Gospel According to Dr...or MD .SO and SO....and these persons ( this way I can't be gotten for discriminating of any of the sexes...there both guilty) of this new DOGMA called Health....."EAT SOY...it will ......." and all of it BULLS#@!....we go into the political arena and we are just supposed to go along with the status quo( even though it's wicked and Unjustifiable...and anti life ...but pro greed) when our representatives convert us to a new belief system called "FEAR and SPIN" we give into this New Religion...at the expense of our humanity...or spirit our souls....and for what do we trade this all in for????? just to make the few at the top comfortable...while the rest blindly bleed for a lie....and the examples are to numerous to put down....I will say this though....in my field....I do consultations in alternatives with health.......There are a growing number of people that are starting to see what is being sold as the so called "PANACEA" that these spin doctors ( the new orgainized ministers of the new religion of Fear and Spin) with there fear and sales BS are propagating, and people are awakening to the truth....the FDA is being caught with it's knickers down as well with the bogus drugs that they are selling and the death tolls and unwanted side effects of the drugs that they are Ok'ing......what concerns me the most is our food supply is being polluted with chemicals hormones
( and not just synthetics either or pharma induced but as well as high amounts of phytoestrogenic chemicals as well ) this is still infecting us with unwanted hormones...remember when cows ate grasses? chickens ate grasses and worms! remember when these animals ran free and could graze? remember when cows or goats milk was drinkable before they pasteurized it and made it totally indigestible...Remember when your great grand parents lived to be a hundred eating all the saturated fats? and eating animals that weren't given antibiotics? remember when food was safe to eat because they were giving animals what they needed to eat anatomically correct for them...so that it would nourish us and keep us biologically balanced? You see the new religion hit there as well...before the medical establishment got into the picture and "studied"the food, the food never hurt anyone and everyone was living to a good old age...Now we have all these advancements in medicine and we are living less...have really no life...and are dying by the day of unusual life threatening diseases as a result of the "polluted foods" we eat on a daily bases....even the so called organics ( might be less toxic ) but still are in need of caution. click ( look at the workshop ) The thought was that the New religion has taken hold in all of our walks in life and we need to be UN-Religious...and really understand the facts before we follow the "New Shepherds" that will lead us down to the valley of lifelessness

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Hidden Discovered Treasure

Have you ever been looking for something....and when you find it ..that it becomes prohibitively expensive?....and then one day you walk into a place and see something that you have been looking for, and test to see it working ...and Wallllllllaaaaaa you find it, and it's awesomely the find, and the price is right!!!!!!!!!!! Well let me tell you of my venture today.....I was taking my son out for his 25th birthday and we went into one of these second hand stores here in the phoenix area.....so as we were venturing I was looking at the inventory in the store...now 2 days prior I was in a health food store and I wanted a juicer and I heard alot of good things about this champion juicer....Now they wanted almost 300$ ...!

So I let it go....today as I mentioned we were out perusing and found all kinds of hidden items, and one of these was a champion juicer .....so the price was right( 19.99$) a far cry from 300$ eh!?...I do alot of orthomolecular stuff with foods..... supplements....herbals..spices and vitamins and protein powders....and combining them to produce effects of healing...restoration....or augmentation of health http://augmentinforce.50webs.com so any equipment I find that can assist me in doing things so I can better advise or consult with people is always a good thing!!! so when I find a Hidden Treasure...that allows me to assist and utilize my talents to give others resolutions to assist there healing...then I get all excited.....Now the first thing I did when I got home was to dissassemble it and to clean it ( well hidden treasures can have a certain amount of uncleaness!) then I put it back together...and proceeded to create a certain formula that would and does alleviate and support the liver ...the pancreas...the blood...the digestive tract.....free radical scavenging ...and cellular regeneration........it is all doable from a grocery store and under 20.00$

the formula has alot of intriguing properties and when put together has a multidiverse effect on health......

Now I am writing this so that you can see how something like this can impact you and to let you know that the effect of how health can be gotten from your home "laboratory"

...and that the tools can be discovered if you seek out the magical place where things can be discovered as a treasury.....and that was my day of Discovery....and the effect was noticeably healthy

Have a good day and let many Treasures be found in your life and health

To Your Health

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

THE BS About your donations

Ever get the feeling that you are being taken for a ride????? or are you ever made to feel guilty about "DONATING" to a worthy cause that deep down nside you feel it is not so worthy? The pharmaceutical industry ( among other organizations) have been doing just that...they have these big big campaign on "Breast cancer" or "Leukemia" or some other type of BS disease( not that these things are BS ....but rather they are using these things as a front to BS the public) to get free money ....yes free money....Now ask yourself this question ( for you older types this might be easier) "WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME THE MEDICAL OR PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY ACTUALLY HEALED....RECTIFIED....PRODUCE AN ANTIDOTE TO SOME DREADED DISEASE IN THE LAST 50 YEARS?" ANSWER.....POLIO......Now for you younger persons...you have been following or riding a train for 50 years....constantly being asked to "DONATE" or to "GIVE OF YOURSELF"...and all the while the big Pharma Corp has been getting all this financial support to take away your rights to access from real cures that really work without the expense and the draining and bleeding of "FINANCIAL LIFE BLOOD" Think about it for a moment....every time someone has actually cured cancer the cure was dismissed...the people who actually discovered the cure were murdered or "found dead" and the causes were at best sketchy......or the person who actually had an answer was dismissed as a eccentric or a false remedy and later when people actually tried the remedies were found to be healthy...I will give an example...there was a fellow who had a type of skin cancer on his face and the mayo ( yes the Mayo ) clinc wanted to do surgery...we gave him 3 herbals and told him to use a topical of aloe vera and yarrow....he over did it on the yarrow but later we told him to use just fresh aloe topically....2 weeks later he had brand new skin growth and when he went back to the Mayo clinic they were dumbfounded and told him that this kind of thing doesn't go away by itself...he asked them to tell him why it was gone then? ...he told them what he was doing and they had no answers ( how convienent eh???) then they ushered him out and asked him to leave ....yet we are constantly reminded and constantly being told about how this is a dreaded disease ( we all know today it is a overloaded endocrine or lymphatic system of toxins , chemicals , hormones ,or even parasites that the immune system has failed to remove or cleanse from the body...and with a little help from creation and a dietary change to quit infesting ourselves with these "TOXIC FOODS" and "POLLUTED NUTRIENTS" things can be reversed to or evolved back to health....This is one example how we are "led astray" and how these organizations mislead the public....there have been many others as well ...religious institutes misleading there followers to donate money in the name of God ...and later finding out that the ministry officials were having unbecoming conduct....or other Organizations were asking for "Charitable donations" to help a 3rd world country to feed "the poor huddled masses" and later it was found out that the money went to arms and that the money donated actually killed those people that it was supposed to feed... it's a vicious merry go round...and it's a sad day when People with genuine hearts want to really help and that they are being taken advantage of....this Has been going on for awhile.....what really irks me

Is the fact that the "ALTERNATIVE HEALTH" has become "INTEGRATED HEALTH"..that means that the consumer is going to be BS'd with alot of jargon from alot of would be so called "EXPERTS" who the only thing that they really know is "spin Marketing" and it's going to target everyone who has a "HEART"....when we actually "integrate" all the things that actually work at "healing"..."RESTORING"...OR "REJUVENATING" us, we may find that we can become our own experts just with things as basic as the kitchen....( what everyone doesn't realize, is that the kitchen is your laboratory to health)

here is a web page again I urge you to research it, and utilize it, and use the remedies and knowledge there http://augmentinforce.50webs.com

and Have a heart and keep it healthy

To Your health